Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time flies

My daughter is nine months old. She cruises around furniture. Takes a few steps on her own. Imitates the sounds coming from your mouth. Wants to drink out of a big person cup. Eats pieces of table food. Definitely has her own opinion on how things should be. Can tease me. Tells stories. Laughs a deep belly laugh. Dances in church during the songs. Kisses you on the lips. Hugs your legs.

How did she grow so fast?

We are about to celebrate our first Christmas together and I am boggled how much my life has changed since last Christmas. This year I can see my toes. This year my heart and family have grown.

I wonder if Mary wondered at how fast Jesus grew? One day he is toddling around her home the next He was saving the world!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Circle of support...

Each Sunday night we hang out with our good friends Eric and Erin (who we live with) and Josh and Rachel. I don't know when exactly it started, but I am sure glad it did. Some nights involve deep talk of theology other nights include break dancing.
Last night, Phoebe was stealing the show with her cheesy grin and attempts at walking. Someone suggested she should take a lap around the room. So she did, from dear friend to dear friend. She'd walk a while grasping onto Eric's fingers for balance then pass off to Josh's fingers so on and so forth until she walked all the way around our living room. Something powerful hit me as I watched my daughter loving go to and from my dear friends... a realization that Tom and I are not in this alone. We have friends who love us and love our daughter. That Phoebe's life will be richer because of my friends. That we all lead richer lives because of the community we have formed.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crying ourselves into rest

Phoebe fights sleep now. It always wins, eventually, but yet she fights. The other day, she really needed a nap. Her eyes were so heavily, and she was miserable. But she refused to give in and just rest. She had to keep moving - going, going, going. Finally, I just held her tight and rocked her. This made her furious. She screamed, and kicked, and cried, and bucked. My heart was breaking, but I did not let go; I held her tight. I knew she needed rest.

The longer we rocked, the less of a fight she put up. Eventually her cries were just whimpers and she put her little hand on my face and fell asleep.

As I sat crying with her, I thought how she reminded me of myself and God. He calls me to rest, but most of the time I just keep going, going, going. He wants to hold me tight and securely, but I kick and cry and try to be free. When I do let Him, I do feel so much better.

A long time since my last post...

I know it's been a long time since my last post. I just forget that I have a blog :) Phoebe is 7-months old today. Isn't that crazy?! It goes by so fast.

Some favorite things so far about being Phoebe's mom (in no particular order):

1. The smell of her right after a bath
2. Having her fall asleep in my arms with her little hand on my chest.
3. How she'll kick her feet wildly and smile at me when I come home from work.
4. Her incessant chatter. The girl really loves to talk and it makes me smile.
5. Watching her fall asleep in her crib. She'll keep her legs up in air to try to keep herself awake. When her feet touches the mattress her eyes open, and up they go again.
6. How sometimes she just wants her mama, and no one else will do.
7. Watching her little personality blossom - she is a social little butterfly.
8. Playing with her on the floor, and watching her figure out how her little body works.
9. Being reminded that sneezing is hilarious.
10. Experiencing little things like bananas again for the first time with her.
11. Watching Tom melt over his daughter.
12. Taking naps together in the recliner.
13. Tickling her to make her giggle.
14. Oh the list could keep going. I'm so blessed!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a relief!

We found out on Tuesday that Phoebe is OK! No surgery - no more probing! What a relief. Thank you everyone for your prayers.

We are now in Missouri hanging out with grandparents. I think she is loving it - she complains anytime she is put down because she knows that there are plenty of arms to hang out in. What a ham!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Really feeling like a mom ...

So Phoebe is growing and is a healthy baby except ... she refuses to poop on her own. We have had to go to the doctor several times for this issue. Today, we went to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital to see a GI specialist. When we first got into the examination room, Phoebe was happy as a lark. Talking and wiggling - poor girl had no idea what was coming. After the physical examination she was none too happy. The doctor wanted then to do a biopsy of her intestines. This involved a long tube and scaple. As I was trying to comfort her as she was screaming it brought to mind all the times my mom sat and held my hand when I was hurt -- whether it was a scraped knee or child birth. At that moment I realized I've made it -- I'm a mom. And whether Phoebe has a splinter or surgery -- I'll be there holding her hand no matter how much it hurts.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Busy ,full days

I love being a mom! Phoebe is doing great. She is growing like a weed. She's already 11 pounds and 23 and a half inches long! She even sleeps around 6 hours a time at night! I think I could just stare at her for hours. She is already responding to us - she smiles, is beginning to coo, and will kick and throw her arms about when you talk to her. My favorite is to watch her as she looks at herself in the mirror. We have this mirror that attaches to the side of the crib. She just talks to herself and gives herself huge smiles. I wonder if she will be disappointed when she finds out it is just her reflection and not a new friend :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Phoebe is here!

Phoebe arrived at 1:21 a.m. on March 17 after 21 hours of labor! She was 9 pounds and 6 ounces. We have been home for a week now. She is doing great and I am recovering, too. I was a crazy loon and did the whole labor thing with out an epidural. I don't know if I'll be that crazy next time or not. Tom is voting for not.

She already seems to have her own personality. She loves to be touched. She eats up kisses and turns her mouth to catch them. She loves her back to be rubbed. She definitely is a cuddler!

Only a few things thus far bring on her tears - having her diaper changed, hunger, and right now that's about it. She is super easy going. Her daddy's constant shananigins with her doesn't bother her a bit.

At moments it is hard to believe she is here!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What a long baby!

We went to the doctor today. Phoebe, in the womb, is 8 pounds 5 ounces. She is also really long! Her legs are as "3 weeks" longer than the rest of her! The doctor said she is by no means fat - just really long! We might have a basketball player on our hands! If she doesn't make an appearance before Wednesday, the doctor has set to induce labor on Wednesday morning at 5 a.m.! So remember us in your prayers!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The day is approaching

Only two weeks and a couple of days until my due date. At this point, it seems like pregnancy has flown by. I am so ready for Phoebe to be here. We had an ultrasound last week and she was 7 pounds and 6 ounces. If she doesn't make an appearance in the next week, we have another ultra sound to see if they want to induce labor. Sometimes, I just go into her room and sit thinking of all the memories to be made within our home in the next weeks, months, years. I am ready for this next chapter of life. I'm ready for the two Fuersts to become three.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

.Pregnant Women are Like Turtles?

1. Are you having twins?
Spoken response: "Why, no actually I'm not."
Mental Response: "Really did you say that to a pregnant woman?"

2. Pregnant women are like turtles.
Spoken response: "Oh really, how?"
Mental Response: "Why can't I leave well enough alone?"
Well both turtles and pregnant women are helpless if you put them on their back.

3. My it seems like all your clothes are getting mighty small.
Spoken and mental response (no filter on this one) "Can you give me a break? Please don't talk to me for a day or two - that is not something you should say to a pregnant women."

4. My you have spread pretty wide.
Spoken response: None - just a forced smile and a nod
Mental response: Explicative

5. Wow! You are really pregnant. It just sticks way out there.
Spoken response: Yep
Mental response: I know this guy has two kids - poor wife.

I'm sure I'll have more to come!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Managing a Big Belly

So at 32 weeks pregnant, I've got a pretty big belly. This week, I'm having trouble maneuvering with it.
Take evidence A. Yesterday, I went to have lunch with a friend at the seminary's cafeteria. I've got my tray filled with chicken fingers and reach for two glasses to fill with apple juice. As I turn with the glasses to the juice machine, my belly hits the tray. You guessed it -- the tray goes flying. The plate smashes into a dozen pieces and there are chicken fingers all over the floor. My first reaction is to bend down and pick up the chicken fingers. As I begin to bend, I almost lose my balance and fall. My friend steadies me and tells me someone will take care of it. At this moment embarrassment sets in. I feel my face flush hot. Did I mention how busy the cafeteria was? It took me 20 minutes to recover. By the time I told Tom about it, I was having a good laugh at my antics.
Now take evidence B. Today's weather was a balmy 40 so I decided to walk down to the bank with the store's deposit instead of drive. Though 40 is hot compared to last week, once you get walking it gets kind of chilly. So about 10 yards into my excursion, I decide to try to zip my coat instead of hold it shut. With a little bit of effort, I get it shut. I'm feeling good I can still zip it up -- that is until I get back to the store. As I try to unzip the coat, it just won't budge past my bulging mid-section. Charley tries to help me unzip the coat, I suck in and she pulls as hard as she can. She tries using a rubber band as pulling leverage. After several attempts, we are both laughing so hard we are crying. It is a good thing there were no customers in the store. Finally we give it up as a lost cause. She hold my shirt as I peel the coat off over my head. As soon as I'm out of the coat it unzips easily. Believe me there will be no more zipping of coats!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Closer and Closer

I can't believe how the time has flown. Around nine weeks from now, I'll be meeting my little one. I am excited, but I don't at all feel ready yet. I still have curtains to make, books to read, fears to overcome. But in just two months time, Tom and I will be welcoming our daughter to this world. I'm glad they grow with you. I'm also glad she won't remember my mistakes for a while. I've been having dreams recently of holding her. Not too much longer...