Thursday, March 26, 2009

Phoebe is here!

Phoebe arrived at 1:21 a.m. on March 17 after 21 hours of labor! She was 9 pounds and 6 ounces. We have been home for a week now. She is doing great and I am recovering, too. I was a crazy loon and did the whole labor thing with out an epidural. I don't know if I'll be that crazy next time or not. Tom is voting for not.

She already seems to have her own personality. She loves to be touched. She eats up kisses and turns her mouth to catch them. She loves her back to be rubbed. She definitely is a cuddler!

Only a few things thus far bring on her tears - having her diaper changed, hunger, and right now that's about it. She is super easy going. Her daddy's constant shananigins with her doesn't bother her a bit.

At moments it is hard to believe she is here!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What a long baby!

We went to the doctor today. Phoebe, in the womb, is 8 pounds 5 ounces. She is also really long! Her legs are as "3 weeks" longer than the rest of her! The doctor said she is by no means fat - just really long! We might have a basketball player on our hands! If she doesn't make an appearance before Wednesday, the doctor has set to induce labor on Wednesday morning at 5 a.m.! So remember us in your prayers!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The day is approaching

Only two weeks and a couple of days until my due date. At this point, it seems like pregnancy has flown by. I am so ready for Phoebe to be here. We had an ultrasound last week and she was 7 pounds and 6 ounces. If she doesn't make an appearance in the next week, we have another ultra sound to see if they want to induce labor. Sometimes, I just go into her room and sit thinking of all the memories to be made within our home in the next weeks, months, years. I am ready for this next chapter of life. I'm ready for the two Fuersts to become three.