Monday, October 19, 2009

Circle of support...

Each Sunday night we hang out with our good friends Eric and Erin (who we live with) and Josh and Rachel. I don't know when exactly it started, but I am sure glad it did. Some nights involve deep talk of theology other nights include break dancing.
Last night, Phoebe was stealing the show with her cheesy grin and attempts at walking. Someone suggested she should take a lap around the room. So she did, from dear friend to dear friend. She'd walk a while grasping onto Eric's fingers for balance then pass off to Josh's fingers so on and so forth until she walked all the way around our living room. Something powerful hit me as I watched my daughter loving go to and from my dear friends... a realization that Tom and I are not in this alone. We have friends who love us and love our daughter. That Phoebe's life will be richer because of my friends. That we all lead richer lives because of the community we have formed.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crying ourselves into rest

Phoebe fights sleep now. It always wins, eventually, but yet she fights. The other day, she really needed a nap. Her eyes were so heavily, and she was miserable. But she refused to give in and just rest. She had to keep moving - going, going, going. Finally, I just held her tight and rocked her. This made her furious. She screamed, and kicked, and cried, and bucked. My heart was breaking, but I did not let go; I held her tight. I knew she needed rest.

The longer we rocked, the less of a fight she put up. Eventually her cries were just whimpers and she put her little hand on my face and fell asleep.

As I sat crying with her, I thought how she reminded me of myself and God. He calls me to rest, but most of the time I just keep going, going, going. He wants to hold me tight and securely, but I kick and cry and try to be free. When I do let Him, I do feel so much better.

A long time since my last post...

I know it's been a long time since my last post. I just forget that I have a blog :) Phoebe is 7-months old today. Isn't that crazy?! It goes by so fast.

Some favorite things so far about being Phoebe's mom (in no particular order):

1. The smell of her right after a bath
2. Having her fall asleep in my arms with her little hand on my chest.
3. How she'll kick her feet wildly and smile at me when I come home from work.
4. Her incessant chatter. The girl really loves to talk and it makes me smile.
5. Watching her fall asleep in her crib. She'll keep her legs up in air to try to keep herself awake. When her feet touches the mattress her eyes open, and up they go again.
6. How sometimes she just wants her mama, and no one else will do.
7. Watching her little personality blossom - she is a social little butterfly.
8. Playing with her on the floor, and watching her figure out how her little body works.
9. Being reminded that sneezing is hilarious.
10. Experiencing little things like bananas again for the first time with her.
11. Watching Tom melt over his daughter.
12. Taking naps together in the recliner.
13. Tickling her to make her giggle.
14. Oh the list could keep going. I'm so blessed!